Since Black Tech Pipeline’s launch in 2020, we’ve partnered with over 200 companies through our job board and recruitment services, and newsletter.
We work as a resource for incoming and current Black technologists and professionals that are searching for new opportunities. Whether it’s jobs, educational programs, scholarship and funding or events, Black Tech Pipeline brings awareness to these opportunities for free.
We power and protect life online, by solving the toughest challenges, together.
Givebutter is a free online fundraising platform built on the idea that givin...
Push your skills to the next level while making online platforms safer and mo...
Soda Health is a healthcare technology company founded on the promise of redu...
A curated list of job openings from various industries and sectors that are inclusive and welcoming to African American candidates.
Showcase companies and organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices, highlighting job opportunities with these employers.
Access to resources such as resume writing tips, interview preparation guides, and career development articles tailored to the needs of job seekers.
Get notified on the upcoming job fairs, networking events, and webinars focused on career advancement and professional growth.